1. Enjoy Summer!
2. Attend Andersonville MidSummer Fest
3. Attend Market Days
4. Go on a boat cruise
5. Go to Hollywood Beach
6. Go to Beach@night
7. Crash a party
8. See Donna Summer@Ravinia
...among other things I failed to do. Nonetheless, I managed to mostly all of what I hoped to do this summer. This was, to date, the summer of my life. I had soooooo much fun. This summer gave me an opportunity to make some new friends, experience new things and in the process have fun.
The train ride to Ravinia couldn't be any gayer. The Metra was filled with gay men and women left and right, top to bottom. I could hear a few voices singing in sync Donna Summer melodies.
Once we arrived to Ravinia, my friends and I(a bunch of Hot Thursday Messes) were overwhelmed by a sea of people who had already found a good spot to enjoy the concert. After about 10 minutes of looking, we finally found a spot we were able to squeeze into. My fondest memory will be of four single gay men laying on the ground and talking about the men that could've been "the one." As my friend put it, "it was like a slumber party."
To my Hot Thursday Messes, thank you so much for the moments and memories.

I thought there was something else you were going to post! Whew!
Uhm...check the posting above. You're gonna kill aren't u?
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