So, I'm making amazing things happen this summer for myself. And it begins...
This weekend is Gay Pride Weekend in Chicago and I'm so hyped up. Here's what The City of Chicago has put together for this gay man...
Saturday, June 28, 2008-Pride Fest in Boystown with Frenchie Davis, Kimberly Locke, Martha Wash and Tiffany. Back in the day, I used to sing to Tiffany and Debbie Gibson songs off the top of my lungs, just like any other closeted gay teen of the 80's. Geez, what was I thinking? In any case, I will be there this Saturday singing along just like I used to when I was in my teens. Wanna sing along with me?? How about we lip dub to one of their songs? Hmmm...I think it's time for yet another video!!

As if A BIG FAT GAY CONCERT weren't enough, my friends and I are going to the Pride parade on Sunday. I presume the usual suspects will be there: naked men, Dykes on bikes, Way too many politicians (some of whom don't deserve my vote), PFLAG(favorite), The ever-so-fabulous ROTC and a bunch of hot messes!!!! Shoot! I, for sho, am going to be one MAJOR HOT MESS!! You coming? Join us and celebrate pride with us:-) Here are a few pix to motivate you to come out and show your pride...

...And then there's Monday. Just when you thought it couldn't get any PROUDER and GAYER, I, along with a few friends, will be going to Broadway in Chicago@ Grant Park! I'm super hyped up about this since it'll be my second time going to a Broadway show. I know it's nothing like the real thing but I get to see Wicked, Dirty Dancing and Jersey Boys FOR FREE!! As if that weren't enough, I also get a preview of the 2009 Broadway in Chicago season. I love it!
So if you're not busy this weekend, join us for a toast: To making amazing things happen in our lives as opposed to waiting for something amazing to happen!! Cheers!

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