I work for a wonderful museum in Chicago and a few months ago I received a phone call to ask if we were interested in hosting the Freedom to Marry Reception. I thought what a great idea! The museum I work for is very gay friendly so this seemed like a natural fit.
With only two days away, I'm already developing the wedding jitters. What to wear? Whom to bring? Something borrowed, something blue, something old and something new...something like that.
Anyway, if you're not doing anything this Thursday, stop by! Hell, free cocktails and free food. You can't beat that. Besides, it should be a lot of fun. Who knows? You may even get to catch the bouquet. Just be sure to stand clear of my way. I'm sort of like Charlotte from Sex & the City these days. "Where is he? I've been waiting since I was 15. I'm tired of waiting." I'm mostly kidding, mostly. Anyway, here's a visual to inspire you to come...
Lambda Legal & The National Museum of Mexican Art Present:
The Freedom to Marry Reception
1852 W. 19th Street
2/7/08, 6-9pm

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